
Ruby on Rails tips, tricks and hints for the aspiring rails hero.

Friday, November 18, 2005


Hello and welcome to NoobOnRails. I'll be throwing up some posts every now and again for the Ruby on Rails Noobie who is trying their dardest to learn Rails and could use some help from time to time. I am a rails noob myself so as I figure things out, I'll post on how certain aspects of rails works, from teh noob's perspective.

All you pros out there feel free to jump in and set us straight. I know I am going to need it from time to time. So let's begin with some Tagging action with a look inside the oh-so hip gem, acts_as_taggable.

in case you're wondering...

Why did i choose blogspot and not typo? Simply because my budget is less than nil and blogspot is free. boo yah.


no this isn't pink, it's a kinder, softer shade of red...ruby red baby!


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