Ruby for Rails book hits beta

From David A. Black through Manning Publications comes Ruby for Rails which sounds like it would be a good way to actually understanding how to better use Ruby for use with Rails and how Rails itself uses Ruby. It is still "in progrss" but while it isn't finished (only the first chapter is available), you can begin reading it by buying an MEAP subscription for $22.50. Here's what the upcoming chapaters are looking like:
Chapter 1: How Ruby works
Chapter 2: How Rails works
Chapter 3: The Ruby/Rails conjunction
Chapter 4: Objects and variables
Chapter 5: Organizing objects with classes
Chapter 6: Modules
Chapter 7: The default object (self) and scope
Chapter 8: Control flow
Chapter 9: Built-in essentials
Chapter 10: Scalar objects
Chapter 11: Collections and container objects
Chapter 12: Regular expressions
Chapter 13: Ruby Dynamics
Chapter 14: Expanding the domain of domain modeling
Chapter 15: Adding programmatic value to entity models
Chapter 16: Controller and view strategies
Chapter 17: Exploring the Rails source code
Chapter 18: Conclusion
If only this was out when I was a noob, I might have actually been able to understand the Rails api docs. Eh...learning the hard way it fun too.
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