FYI re: Rails Migrations
If you're looking into setting up your migrations but nothing happens when you try
ruby script\generate migration MyAwsomeMigrationRocks
just go ahead and try a
rake migrate
This may give you a more helpful error since it the generate migrate may not say anything if it fails. When you do the rake migrate, you may get a rake aborted, could not find RubyGem TheGemToRuleThemAll or something similar. Then you go fix that error, and then try to re-generate your migration and it should work, telling you what files were created where.

ruby script\generate migration MyAwsomeMigrationRocks
just go ahead and try a
rake migrate
This may give you a more helpful error since it the generate migrate may not say anything if it fails. When you do the rake migrate, you may get a rake aborted, could not find RubyGem TheGemToRuleThemAll or something similar. Then you go fix that error, and then try to re-generate your migration and it should work, telling you what files were created where.

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