A neat little feature of Ror 1.1+ I've noticed
If you're really new to rails you may have thought this was normal but with myself being a Railer pre version 1.0, it took me a while to see that Rails was doing this on purpose. What is "this" you ask? The fact that now when you script generate a new model, a new migration file for the new model also gets created.

That's dang spiffy if you ask me but if did give me some brief grief (ha!) since I had alreay added "creat_tables" in my base migration file for these models. Now I know to just go with the Rails flow. More "convention over configuration" is always good to me.

That's dang spiffy if you ask me but if did give me some brief grief (ha!) since I had alreay added "creat_tables" in my base migration file for these models. Now I know to just go with the Rails flow. More "convention over configuration" is always good to me.
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