
Ruby on Rails tips, tricks and hints for the aspiring rails hero.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Best Rails editor for the pc

I just wanted to put this post up because these guys don't seem to get too much love in the community and I think they deserve some more. RadRails has, in my experience, been the best development environment to use when building Rails sites in a Windows environment. Why do I like it so? Besides the obvious organizational benefits that come from migrating from Notepad, I can easily configure it to run either a mongrel or webrick server (I haven't tried lightty on Windows), plus I can easily switch my perspective over to a view of my database or a view of my SNV repository (amongst others) and with the SVN tools being, I can just keep better track of changes. For me, it's just awsome. That could have something to do with me being relatively new to the whole IDE-ish world of development but I know what I likes, and I likes me some RadRails.

Are there any other notable IDE/editors that are Rails friendly that I should try? The ones I've seen don't compare feature wise to RadRails just yet.


  • At 2:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I agree. RadRails is still a little flaky on the built-in command line for me on WinXP (have to use rake on cmd line). But the formatting, syntax-checking, and SVN integration is very worthwhile. If they get ruby-debug integration working, it will be terrific.

  • At 5:51 PM, Blogger Curtis said…

    I really dig the code completion and the as-you-go syntax checking too :)


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