
Ruby on Rails tips, tricks and hints for the aspiring rails hero.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

error: Association named ...... was not found

After totally reworking one of my apps (have to gut it since I'm changing it's focus), I botted up mongrel, expecting to see everything was hunky dory and working great. I browsed to one of my list actions and I got this error:

Association named 'user' was not found; perhaps you misspelled it?

Hmmm. I know that's how you spell user so I knew that wasn't the problem. What the problem ended up being was I was trying to eagerly load this object's users with a :include => 'user'. This worked in the past because this object's table had a user_id column in it. But, due to me reworking it, it no longer did. So to sum how I resolved this errror, I just removed the

, :include => 'user'

and it worked fine.


  • At 3:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, I'm wondering if you have some more insight on this problem, since I'm running into the same issue and I simply don't understand the logic behind this error. Does this mean we should be removing :include in all cases?

  • At 3:35 PM, Blogger Curtis said…

    not in all cases. If you know which include is hurting you, take out each include parameter until it works. For me, I was trying to load something that did not have an association with the model I was trying to include it with.

  • At 5:48 PM, Blogger Mario Olivio Flores said…

    Sometimes, you need to have an include statement, and leaving it off won't cut it. In my case, I was trying to include table B when doing a find on table A. I had my associations set up in my models (belongs_to and has_many). Then I realize that I forgot to add a B_id table to my A table. Last, I realized that my B table didn't actually have IDs.


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