
Ruby on Rails tips, tricks and hints for the aspiring rails hero.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Using Rails to solve real world problems

I am a strong believer in using what's available to right a wrong or to fix something that could be better. If you know how to use the tools, there's no reason what you can't make a change. With that introduction, I introduce the fruition of a few hours work...a little app I call mathcards (screenshot above). You know all that talk about solving real world problems? Well, for me, my problem was a lost my 6 yr old daughter's math cards. Ooops. Hard to raise a world dominator when you can even help her stay sharp in math. So I thought, "flash cards are easy enough to mimic on a web site, why not build a site that can give her basically the same training?". Bam, a few hours later, there's mathcards. It's out and free for the world to use. Use it for your kids, use it because you're a rails newb who needs all the open source app they can get their hands on or just use to tinker with it and expand out the functionality. I remembered hearing about Google release some sort of sourceforge app so I figured this would be a good app to test it out on. The project's main site is here and the source information (including SVN info) is here. Check it out and if anyone is reading this, feel free to let me know what you think :)


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